
Robert Lowe, CPA


Rob has a broad diversity of experience between small, medium, large, public, and private companies and over 14 years of experience in financial leadership roles. He began his career with a Big 4 public accounting firm and has gravitated toward small to mid-sized businesses where his positive impact can be readily felt. He loves providing business owners with key, data-driven, decision-making insight that has saved companies hundreds of thousands of dollars. He also harbors an irrational love for vintage electronics and cassette tapes.


David Smith


David has over 12 years of accounting leadership experience with various companies.  He is a strategic thinker and is always implementing innovative solutions to help accounting departments run smoothly and efficiently.  He loves working with new clients and turning a messy accounting situation to one of order and processes.  He also thrives on setting companies up to aggressively grow their business on a solid financial foundation.